by Raymundo T. Sabio, MSC
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart carry out their mission all over the world, in
more than 55 countries. There are about 2,200 MSC members. In these
places, they continuously strive to proclaim the love of God, revealed and made
visible in the Heart of Jesus Christ. This mission brings the MSC priests and
brothers often beyond the boundaries of their own country and
This saying carries much
weight: "God's ways are not man's ways." The story behind the MSC Korea
Mission is a composite of several mini-stories which are expressive of
God's ways. The MSC Sisters came to Korea as early as March 25,1965.
And they were steadily growing. In the early 80's they thought of
initiating the process for the coming of their brother congregation, the
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.
The MSC General
Administration headed by Very Rev. Fr. Cornelius "Kees" Braun, MSC expressed its
interest to explore the possibility of going to Korea in response
to the initiative of the MSC Sisters, namely, Sr. Edilgith , Sr. Teresa Kim
and Sr. Vocata.
To help enhance the
process, the wonderful Sisters gathered a small group of young men closely
associated with the sisters in their apostolaate; and seeing that they are
potential vocations, they gave them some initial basic training.
(One of these early group members is Balthasar AHN Chango-Ho). Through the
recommendation of the MSC Sisters, Most Rev. Gabriel Lee, D.D. (Bishop of Pusan)
extended the formal invitation to the MSC congregation to come to
So, the MSC General
Administration in Rome, challenged the young Philippine Province to accept the
Korean mission. The Provincial Superior, Fr. Manuel Hilario and his council
hesitated at the beginning because of the lack of experience of the young
Philippine Province in opening a new mission. But the Spirit of the Lord
prevailed and He made it possible that a decision for the MSC to go to Korea be
finalized during a MSC General Conference held in Maracaibo, Venezuela
from 31st of January to the 9 of February 1983.
Part of the preparations
were the visits to Korea by Fr. Kees Braun and Fr. Manuel
Hilario. They had extensive exchange of information and made visitation
both in Pusan and Seoul. With their positive evaluation, all things were
set. So, Rev. Fr. Pedro C. Arguillas, MSC left
Manila and with his arrival in Seoul on February 17, 1985 this
officially started the MSC presence in Korea. Shortly after, on May 26,
1985 Fr. Danilo F. Ceniza arrived to assist him. Then
a year later, Fr. Raymundo T. Sabio arrived on May 5, 1986; and finally in
May, 1988, Fr. Michael Paradela came.
Initially Fr. Arguillas and
Fr. Ceniza stayed with the Claretian Fathers until the MSC could purchase a
house in Buam-dong, Chongno-gu area in Seoul in mid-August 1985 while doing
their study of the Korean language. In early February, 1987 Fr.
Arguillas moved to Pusan to assume the assistant priest ministry in
Koejong parish, while Fr. Ceniza in the month of August of the same year became
the assistant priest at Kwangali parish, Pusan. Fr. Sabio
remained in Seoul to be in-charge of the seminarians and postulants. Then in
early 1988 Fr. Arguillas was transferred to the Cathedral parish
to assist there and at the same time to be a Chaplain of the Apostolatus Maris -
Pusan. And in May, 1988, Fr. Michael Paradela arrived and stayed
in Seoul while doing his Korean language study. In the following
year of 1989 Fr. Sabio became an assistant priest at Pomildong parish,
Pusan and served this parish for two years
Towards the last
quarter of 1990, the MSC Fathers received an invitation from
Bishop William J. McNaughton, MM, DD to work in the Diocese
of Incheon. So on February 18, 1991 Fr. Dan Ceniza became the
parish-priest of Yong-jong parish, and Fr. Ray Sabio became them
first Chaplain of the Apostolatus Maris - Incheon. This was the
very beginning of our presence in Incheon
Our first seminarians
were sent to Manila, Philippines for their novitiate and thelogical studies as
early as December, 1985. After several years of formation, first to
be ordained were Fr. Joseph KIM Jong-kee, MSC and Fr. John PARK Chang-il,
MSC on Feb. 2, 1991 at the Cathedral of Pusan by His Excellency, Most Rev.
Gabriel LEE Gap-su, D.D., Bishop of Pusan.
Since the community was
slowly growing and a plan to start the novitiate program in Korea was
starting to emerge, there was a need to enlarge the house in
Seoul. So the constructon started in early 1994 under the supervision of
Fr. John Park and this got completed in mid-October. So on Nov.
1, 1994 the Holy Mass and the Solemn House Blessing was officiated by His
Eminence, Stephen Cardinal Kim, Ph.D., D.D. It was a very special day because
among the many concelebrants were the MSC superiors of the 8 Asian
In later part of
December, 1994 Fr. Pedro Arguillas was re-assiged by the
Provincial Superior to head the Communication Foundation for Asia in Manila.
Three years later, Fr. Joseph Kim became the first Novice Master and the
novitiate got started on Feb. 17, 1997, which date coincided with the 12th
Anniversary of the MSC presence in Korea.
With the subsequent
perpetual profession of Bro. John CHAI Sung-gyoo, MSC and the
sacerdotal ordinations of the Korean members such as: Fr. Paul JI Hyun-bae, Fr.
Johann HWANG Ji-youn, Fr. Augustine KIM Jong-oh, Fr. Balthasar Ahn Chang-Ho, Fr.
Matthew PARK Jong-hwan and Fr. Juanito JANG You-sung, in the course of
several years, the Korean MSC Section became a Region on April 29, 1999.
By this time, the MSC's were present in Seoul, Incheon, and Pusan, doing
various kinds of apostolates: formation work, hospital chaplaincy, spiritual
direction and counselling, apostleship of the sea, giving of retreats and
seminars, Korea unification, curate assistance to the parish and ministry
to the foreign workers.
The following sacerdotal
ordinations of Fr. Pablo KIM Sang-sik and Fr. Thomas
KANG Bu-cheol in June, 2003 as well as of Fr. Benedict
KO Moo-chan on January 12, 2004 took place after we became a
Region. This coming December 8, 2004, God willing, two of
our Deacons, Rev. Paul KIM Dae-seon and Rev. Damaso SHIN Hyun-cheol
will be ordained to the priesthood as our 12th and 13th Korean
priests respectively. These ordinations will be God's wonderful gift to our
Korea Region. At the same time, it is our Region's special gift to the MSC
It is our wish and prayer
that this Region, with the continued blessing of the Sacred Heart and
assistance of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, will become a Vice-Province
sometime in the distant future.
--Following the example of
the venerable founder, Fr. Jules Chevalier, the MSC members in Korea
wish to proclaim always and everywhere the boundless LOVE of God in the
face of serious ills of the world as well as of Korea: egoism, selfishness and
--We see the need of presenting the Sacred Heart of Jesus as
the source of the powerful "Spirituality of the Heart". This spirituality has
power to generate a true conversion and renewal in the hearts of those who have
grown cold in their faith.
Our presence in Korea has
these twofold goals:
a) to be of service to
the local Church in Korea in the ministry of evangelizaton especially to the
poor and the less priviledged;
b) to establish the
presence of the MSC congregation in this dymanic and fast-developing nation with
a steadily growing Catholic population.
-- Fr. JOSEPH KIM Jong-kee,
MSC (Ord. Feb. 2, 1991) Director of the MSC Associates
Giving of Rereats
-- Fr. JOHN PARK Chang-il,
MSC (Ord. Feb. 2, 1991) Justice & Peace; Apostolate for
the Korea
-- Fr. PAUL JI Hyun-bae, MSC (Ord. Dec. 5,
1994) Counselling and Family Life
-- Fr. JOHN HWANG Ji-youn, MSC (Ord. Dec. 8,
1994) Director of the MSC
-- Fr. AUGUSTIN KIM Jong-oh, MSC (Ord. June 7,
1995) Further Studies in Manila
-- Fr. BALTHASAR AHN Chang-ho, MSC (Ord. May 25,
1996) MSC Korea Region
Superior; Apostolatus Maris - Pusan
-- Bro. JOHN CHAI Sung-gyoo, MSC
(P.Prof. June 2, 1994) MSC Consultant
-- Fr. MATTHEW PARK Jong-hwan, MSC (Ord. Jan. 30, 1999)
In-charge of MSC
Building Maintenance & Kanghwa Lot Development
You-sung, MSC (Ord. Apr. 28, 1999) Director of Novices;
Finance Officer, Seoul
-- Fr. PABLO KIM Sang-sik, MSC (Ord. June 24,
2003) Hospital Chaplaincy
-- Fr. THOMAS KANG Bu-Cheol, MSC (Ord. June
24, 2003) Director of Benefactors
Mission Promotion
-- Fr. BENEDICT KO Moo-Chan,
MSC (Ord. Jan. 12, 2004) HospitalChaplaincy (Future
of Postulants and Aspirants)
-- Rev. PAUK KIM Dae-Seon,
MSC (Deaconate: Jan, 12, 2004)
-- Rev. DAMASO
SHIN Hyun-Cheol, MSC (Deaconate: Jan. 12, 2004)
-- Fr.
DANILO F. CENIZA, MSC (Ord. Dec. 29, 1981) Spiritual Director of MSC
-- Fr. RAYMOND T. SABIO, MSC (Ord. Dec. 20, 1971)
Apostleship of Sea - Incheon;
Workers Chaplaincy; International Airport Apostolate
-- Bro. PAUL YANG Sung-uk,
MSC (1st Prof. Feb. 19, 2001)
-- Bro. GASPAR LEE Sung-woo, MSC (1st Prof.
Feb. 19, 2001)
-- Bro. ABRAHAM YOU SU-young, MSC (1st
Prof. Feb. 17, 2003)
Postulants: (5)
At present, our MSC members
are on the fortifying stage of their foundation and are working in
those various kinds apostolate indicated above. Through these, they strive
to proclaim the unfathomable Love of God in and through the Sacred Heart,
inviting everyone especially the under-priviledged and deprived to respond
wholeheartedly to God's call in faith, hope and in
In 1995 we decided to put up
our House of Formation in Kanghwa because the Incheon Diocese is
building a Major Seminary there. And so in 1996, through the zealous
efforts of Fr. Johann Hwang we found a suitable lot located in
Kanghwa, Bureun-myon, Neopseong-ni (about 12 km from the Major
Seminary) and consequently, purchased it. Several pre-fabricated buildings
were constructed one by one to serve as our House of Formation. And thanks
be to God, this was solemnly blessed by Bishop William J. McNaughton, MM, DD on
the feast of the Sacred Heart, June 11, 1999. It was indeed
a very memorable and meaningful day for our Region.
Parish work is indeed very
limited in Korea. Very admirable is the fact that the various dioceses in Korea
have a good number of ordinations yearly. And so, they have enough
personnel to staff the parishes. Thus, as a Region we have come to a
decision that the best way we could serve the Church in Korea in the near
future, is to give greater emphasis on Retreat Giving and On-going
Formation of the Laity.
Hence, we
decided to develop the property in Kanghwa (in the Diocese of
Incheon) for Retreats and Renewal Exercises with a great hope that in the
future, it will develop further into some kind of Spirituality of the
Heart Center. In this way, the MSC Region could share in a meaningful and
challenging way its rich Spirituality of the Heart and the Charism of the
Venerable Founder, Jules Chevalier.
In this light, as a practical
step, all the present existing facilities of the seminarians for formation
and of the formators were converted to provide facilities for retreats and
seminars for various groups in the diocese and outlaying areas. Soon
the construction of a new building to house the seminarians
and formators commenced on May 1, 2003 and got finished in the first week
of March, 2004..This building was blessed by his Excellency, Most
Rev. Boniface CHOI Ki-San, D.D. (Bishop of Incheon Diocese) on March 15,
2004, the very day of birth of Fr. Jules Chevalier. This
was a major part of our year-long Jubilee Celebration of the 150th
Anniv. of the MSC Foundation. The total area of the New Building (two
stories with a basement) is: 300 Korean pyong (1 pyong
is 3.3 sq.m. Hence 300 pyong will give 990 sq.m.)
It is our prayer
that with the guidance and assistance of the Lord and our
Lady of the Sacred Heart, the retreat facilities that we provide, will
be of help to our mission of gradually sharing the
Spirituality of the Heart and at the same time to the partial
stabilization of our resource of region sustenance. In the near
future, after we have attained a certain level of development, Fr.
Joseph Kim plans to give special seminars on the Spirituality of the Heart
and renewal programs related to our Spirituality. This is our humble
attempt to make our MSC presence in Korea fruitful, relevant, effective and
We share our
Spirituality of the Heart and Charism with the laity. Our Region started forming
the MSC Associates in mid-90's. Fr. Joseph Kim
was the first director, followed by Fr. John Park, and much later, by Fr.
John Hwang. After a period of formation of about one year, the
members could be accepted to a year of promise (renewable) to become
our MSC Associate. After three years, they could be
accepted to the perpetual promise.
We consider them our family
members and partners in our apostolate. There are 25 members with Perpetual
Promise; and 50 with First Promise. They hold a monthly meeting under the
guidance of our MSC Father Director. We earnestly hope that our
MSC Associates, forming a vital part of our MSC Family will continue to grow in
number and in dedicated service to the local Church in Korea; and hopefully
later on, to the Church in the North-east Asia area.
(by Fr. John Bovenmars,
Archivist, Netherlands MSC Province)
Long before the German MSC
Sisters (1965) and later, the Filipino MSC priests (1985) arrived in
Korea, a Dutch MSC priest came to Korea for a special mission in
1950. His name is: Father Louis van de Vrande, MSC.
He was born on April 5, 1910, in Oosterhout (Den Hout), Diocese of
Breda; professed on Dec. 8, 1930; ordained priest August 10, 1936.
Died in Terheijden on Febr. 7, 1971.
He joined the Dutch army as
Chaplain in 1945, when the north of the Netherlands was still occupied. He also
served, as army chaplain, two times (two years each) in Indonesia, from 1946
till early 1948, and in Java from late 1948 till July 1 1950. He was in Java
during the capitulation of the Dutch army. He wrote a book (in Dutch) about his
service in Indonesia.
In 1950 he was assigned as
Chaplain of a Dutch group of soldiers that joined the army of the United
Nations, that was sent to Korea to defend the country against the Communists. In
his group, there were 300 dutch catholic soldiers. During his stay in
Korea he published articles in dutch newspapers which have been preserved in the
MSC Provincial Archives. He left Rotterdam by boat (the Zuiderkruis) on
October 27, 1950. The newspaper of December 30, 1950, described his arrival in
Pusan where a Korean band gave them a warm welcome. They took immediately the
train that brought them in two hours to Taegu. (They celebrated Christmas
together with some American soldiers.)
The newspaper of January 11,
1951, informs us that Father Louis and his soldiers travelled by train to Suwon,
where they celebrated the Eucharist in the parish church. A photo shows Father
Louis playing the accordion for some people there after the Holy Mass.
He was always a jolly person. By train they went still further north, to
the front line. Louis had to visit all his men in their foxholes. He talked to
them, heard confessions, and on Sundays he celebrated the Holy Eucharist four
The most dramatic events
took place at Hoengsong, on February 12, 1951. Their outpost was overrun by the
Chinese army and they were in great danger. Nineteen Dutch soldiers were killed.
Their group was surrounded, but Louis managed to walk through the surrounding
Chinese troops and thus saved his life. The Dutch commander Den Ouden was killed
too. Father Louis had to attend the Requiem Mass in Tokio (Togo?), and led
the prayers in the cemetery at Pusan.
On June 11, 1951, the
soldiers received the order to withdraw to the 38th degree of latitude (38th
parallel). They had to step over many bodies of killed soldiers at the front
lines and then arrived at a beautiful American camp. In one letter Louis
speaks about the cold he suffered at Wonju: 30 degrees Celsius below zero! He
mentions also many Chinese attacks. In this context he speaks also about the
place Hoengsong where 80 South Korean soldiers were added to his group;
they worked together very well. According to him "Oranda" (Hollanda) had a good
name among the Koreans.
Father Louis spent one
winter and one summer in Korea. With his group he arrived back in Rotterdam,
Holland by the ship "Gen. MacRae" on October 1, 1951. (With fraternal
greetings, Jan Bovenmars, MSC)
May our Lady of the Sacred Heart assist and guide our
MSC Korea Region, just as She has helped our Venerable Founder Jules
Chevalier in the foundation of our beloved M.S.C. congregation in Issoudun,
France way back December 8, 1854. May the 150th Anniversary of our MSC
Foundation be a source of renewed enthusiasm to proclaim the unfathomable Love
of Jesus symbolized by His Sacred Heart. Next year, on Feb. 17,
2005 our Korea Region will be celebrating its 20th
Foundation Anniversary in Korea. May this too be a new Pentecost for
us, MSC's in Korea dedicated to the service of the loving Heart of
Jesus, He who is our Compassionate Good