January - July
For the month of January:
“ The name itself, Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, indicates sufficiently . . . the spirit it wants to live by. Those who bear this glorious and cherished name shall feel continually spurred on by it to imitate the virtues of the divine Heart . . . . But unless they live completely the life of this Heart, they shall consider themselves unworthy of the name.
For the month of February:
“ (Jesus says) When I proposed to you the way of perfection I expressed myself very clearly. What is at stake is complete renunciation of self. You have to take up your cross and walk along the road with courage and generosity. No timid and cowardly soldiers here! I need people ready for any sacrifice, able to endure all, even death if necessary, rather than abandon me. Such a decision requires a will that is deeply convinced by powerful motives that inspire it.
For the month of March:
For the month of April:
“(Jesus says) I put humility first among all the virtues, because it is the root of all the others, and because it was especialy humility that I taught the world.”
For the month of May:
“We see her (Bathsheba) so loved, so exalted, sitting as sovereign in the palace of her son. Eagerly she receives the requests of the subjects and hands them to the king, promising to speak on their behalf. She advances confidently; recognising his mother, Solomon rises, walks towards her, bows and makes her sit down at his right hand. Then she addresses him, ‘I come to make a request; do not refuse me.’ And the king replies, ‘My mother, say what you desire; for it would be unjust to send you away unsatisfied.’ Does this not anticipate the position of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart?”
“The divine Heart of Jesus gives to Mary the dazzling whiteness of her innocence, and to Mary Magdalene that other whiteness of perfect repentance. To the martyr he gives the strength to endure torture, to the teacher the light to see and demonstrate the truth. In the world or in the cloister, each one owes to him whatever has been received.”
“Two attributes seem to dominate in God: mercy and power: the suaviter and fortiter of which the Bible speaks (Wis 8:1). The Heart of Jesus possesses them to an eminent degree. They govern all our Saviour's actions...; mercy went with him everywhere (Acts 10:38); and strength never abandoned him (Luke 24:19).”
(MSC Constitutions, 1877)
(in Ecole du Sacré-Coeur, p. 19 f.)
“ We should not maintain any resentment against our enemies. . . . Often we shun their presence or, speaking to them, only make them feel our coldness. . . . How many pious people delude themselves on this point. They are content to say: I do not wish trouble upon my enemies, but everything in me resists my seeing them and speaking with them; they have offended me too greatly. If those are our sentiments, we are not Christians.
(in Meditations I)
For the month of June:
For the month of July: